Emilia Jacqmin

October 9, 2023
administration a


    • From September 2021 : Piano Bachelor at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels
    • 2021 : Bachelor of Music and Musicology, Facultés des Lettres de Paris Sorbonne-Université
    • 2020 : Piano diplom with the teacher Michaël Guido, Conservatoire (CRR) de Versailles Grand Parc
    • 2018 : Baccalauréat général avec mention Bien, Série Littéraire Spécialité Musique, Lycée La Bruyère (Versailles)


    • Concerts in Liège, Bruxelles, Versailles, Montigny le Bretonneux
    • From January 2023 : piano teacher at BRIMA
    • From September 2022 : member of the Student Council at the Royal Conservatory Of Brussels
    • From February 2022 : collaboration with La Ferme du Biéreau (Louvain-La-Neuve)
    • From May to June 2021 : piano and FM teacher at the Conservatoire de Marly-Le-Roi (France)
    • From 2016 : Piano and FM private teacher


    • French and English


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